Pittsburgh’s Goin’ To The Super Bowl: Overview

right-logo-color-free-shipping-2005-pittsburgh-font-b-steelers-b-font-font-b-super-bThis is Part 1 of what will be an ongoing series as we start to work ourselves up for the draft. Each week I will pick a position of (at least putative) need and have a look where the Steelers stand.

And as for the title—well, isn’t that the idea? I gather the feeling over at the Southside facility is that any year in which a Lombardi isn’t added to the collection is considered, at least on some level, a failure.

Besides, as I pointed out a few weeks ago, as the Steelers have moved through and emerged from the team rebuild they never admitted was happening, we’ve had the following progression: Continue reading “Pittsburgh’s Goin’ To The Super Bowl: Overview”